Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Does A Brazillion Look Like Any Good Bush Stories Or Jokes?

Any good Bush stories or jokes? - what does a brazillion look like

Here is a good way:

Donald Rumsfeld gave the president his
Daily Briefing. He concluded,
"Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"Oh no," cried the President. "It
terrible! "

His staff was stunned by this display of
Emotion, nervously watching the President
Saturday, his head in his hands.

Finally the president looked up and asked, "How
by many as a brazillion? "

-------------------------------------- ...

Do you have any? :)


  1. In fact, that's me. This was me today from one of my good friends:

    Laura Bush bought George a parrot for his birthday. He said Dick
    Cheney: "The bird is so smart, George has already taught
    donated include more than 200 words. "

    "Wow that is impressive," Cheney said. "But you realize that
    said that the words he meant not really understand what they do. "

    "That's OK," says Laura. "Even the parrot.

  2. It's great .. Thank you.

    I have a joke .. But I consider Bush a joke .. Does that count?

  3. One I like a little bush, but no more. This is one kickass band in England. So NO to the NWO members, not the party of hairy women. :) If the distance does not strike soon, it's like hell 500more night. Impeach Bush!

  4. Recently we learned that President and Laura Bush just made love with Laura at the top ....

    .... the ARC can only f ** k up!

    . One more.
    The repub is given as follows:

    Asked prior to the opening, George W. was to know a round about, "the White House.

    After drinking several glasses of iced tea, he asked President Clinton if he could use his personal bathroom. I was surprised that the President had a solid gold urinal!

    This afternoon, George W. told his wife, Laura, about the urinal. "Imagine," he said, "If I am president, I will share my personal gold urinal!"

    Later, when Laura lunch with Hillary during her visit to the White House, Hillary told her George was impressed by his discovery that in the bathroom of the President, the President had a gold urinal.

    That night, Bill and Hillary were getting ready for the night. Hillary turned to Bill and said, "Well, I learned that urinating on his saxophone."
